Mastering the CFA Level 2 Exam: Your 2023 Cheat Sheet Guide


The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 2 exam is a significant milestone for aspiring finance professionals. With its comprehensive coverage of investment management and analysis, the exam demands a thorough understanding of complex topics. As you prepare for this rigorous test, having a well-organized cheat sheet can be an invaluable resource. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating your own CFA Level 2 cheat sheet for 2023.

  1. Understand the Exam Structure

Before diving into creating your cheat sheet, it’s crucial to comprehend the exam structure. The CFA Level 2 exam is divided into two parts: the morning session, consisting of constructed response (essay) questions, and the afternoon session, which includes item set questions. Ensure you are familiar with the weightage of each topic to prioritize your cheat sheet content accordingly.

  1. Gather Study Materials

Compile your study materials, including textbooks, notes, practice exams, and review guides. Begin by revisiting your Level 2 curriculum and identifying key concepts, formulas, and theories. Make a list of critical areas you want to include in your cheat sheet.

  1. Condense Content

The art of creating an effective cheat sheet lies in condensing complex information into concise, easily digestible points. Break down each topic into its fundamental components. Focus on essential formulas, equations, and definitions. Keep your content concise to ensure that your cheat sheet remains a quick reference guide.

  1. Prioritize High-Weightage Topics

Since not all topics hold equal weight in the exam, prioritize those that carry more marks. For instance, Equity Investments, Fixed Income, and Financial Reporting and Analysis are usually heavily weighted. Devote more space on your cheat sheet to these areas, ensuring you cover the core concepts thoroughly.

  1. Visual Aids

Utilize visual aids such as graphs, charts, and diagrams to simplify complex concepts. Visual representations can help you grasp and remember information more effectively. If you find a particular concept challenging, consider creating a visual aid to reinforce your understanding.

  1. Create a Logical Layout

Organize your cheat sheet logically, categorizing topics into sections. For example, you might have sections for Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Portfolio Management. Within each section, arrange information in a coherent manner, starting with the most crucial details.

  1. Utilize Mnemonics and Acronyms

Mnemonics and acronyms are memory aids that can help you recall a series of information. Create clever acronyms or mnemonic devices to remember lists, sequences, or steps. Incorporating these into your cheat sheet can be a fun and effective way to memorize complex content.

  1. Review and Test

Once your cheat sheet is ready, it’s time to review and test its effectiveness. Try using it to solve practice questions and mock exams. If you find any gaps in your understanding or if a particular section seems confusing, revise and refine your cheat sheet accordingly.

  1. Keep it Legible

While the temptation might be to include as much information as possible, ensure that your cheat sheet remains legible. Use a font size that is readable, and avoid cluttering the sheet with too much content. Aim for a balanced presentation that is both informative and easy on the eyes.

  1. Regular Revisions

As you progress in your preparation, you’ll likely discover new insights and better ways to represent information. Keep your cheat sheet dynamic by revising it regularly. Add any additional content you deem essential and remove anything that proves less relevant over time.


Creating a cheat sheet for your CFA Level 2 exam in 2023 can significantly enhance your study process. It not only helps you condense complex information but also serves as a quick reference during the exam. Remember, the process of creating the cheat sheet itself is a valuable learning exercise. By identifying key concepts, formulating mnemonic devices, and organizing information logically, you’ll reinforce your understanding of the material. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your resources, and start crafting your personalized CFA Level 2 cheat sheet today!

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